Monday, February 6, 2012

Well I have a Blog ......

Well I have a blog now ,
I wanted somewhere to show you all the scrapbook pages I create ~the crafty items that are designed & all all of the fabulous ideas that I come up with from all of the other great Bloggers out there!

So hopefully I can keep it up -
I am hoping to post alot of the scrapbook pages this week -
keep your fingers crossed that happens!

Hope you all enjoy this site & post !!!

1 comment:

  1. I just had to come and check out your very first post <3
    I didn't realize you have been blogging for 6 yrs!!
    I just checked mine, I have been blogging for 8!!!
    Where has the time gone!!??!


adding pinterest script 3. Changing the Position of the Pin it! button The cool thing about this code is that you have some freedom over where the Pinterest button for Blogger will go over the image. Take a look at the code that you just copied and pasted into the HTML for the word 'center'.