Saturday, February 18, 2017

That one item ....

You know that one item that you see in the store -
so cute! probably on sale so you pick it up.
It comes some you look at it a few times a year &
have no use for it yet - but its too good to get rid of
and giving it away isn't an option.

Well go get it, & USE IT!
ha  ha  ha  ha ha 
it will feel so good!

I bought a small canvas that was for Alex's book 
it was super cute, 
I have no idea when I got it or where I got it.
Buy I used it & I am moving on.

The layout was so simple but I think that's all I need -
after all once I print to picture I can add more - 

the point here is I used the canvas & 2 pieces of paper I was hoarding!

So the next time you sit down 
I CHALLENGE YOU to use one of those items you have been holding onto,
it will feel so great!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment! I appreciate it!! Lovely layout! Great challenge as well, that was one of my new years resolutions...use what I got! I've been pretty good so far!!


adding pinterest script 3. Changing the Position of the Pin it! button The cool thing about this code is that you have some freedom over where the Pinterest button for Blogger will go over the image. Take a look at the code that you just copied and pasted into the HTML for the word 'center'.