Monday, February 20, 2017

K&Company Flash Back!!

more old kits, 
made a layout & rehomed!

Oh Yeah - don't love it much but for pool deck photos 
from Hilton Head Island, 
basically just wanted to get it done and use it up !

So sometimes - I think you just need to get it done !!!!


  1. This is pretty cool, I'm pretty sure I have that paper too. Great work. Thanks for stopping by :)

  2. You are just knocking these layouts out!!!!
    Also using your stash....alright Lesli!!


adding pinterest script 3. Changing the Position of the Pin it! button The cool thing about this code is that you have some freedom over where the Pinterest button for Blogger will go over the image. Take a look at the code that you just copied and pasted into the HTML for the word 'center'.