Sunday, September 25, 2016

Summers Over ....

Summers over again this year & time to get back to our regular schedules!
Not the most exciting thing to think about after spending 
the majority of summer weeks of, at camp, 
 playing / swimming / boating & enjoying my kids.

One of the joys of fall is decorating and yes returning to the Craft room.

I started to decorate all ready at the request of the 6yr old.
He love his skeletons & wanted them out of the rafters.

I tried not to put everything in the same spot as last year - 
even though it is easier, faster & I looked the way it looked.

Here are our decorations so far!

Hope you are all settling into your new schedules - 
Happy Fall!

1 comment:

  1. Very COOL my friend! Your house looks ready for Fall/Halloween! I've had my Fall stuff out.. and now I'm getting ready to put out my Halloween stuff.... I wanted it ALL up the beginning of Sept. but hubby thought I was nuts... Did I mention I AM! LOL Anywho.. the Skeleton is very cool! Have a great day!



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