Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Gifts for End of Year

Tonight I got to do something I don't get to often - 
craft with my daughter
She defiantly has the crafty DNA but is in 
a stage where she doesn't have time or the ambition 
( I hope it passes sooner than later)

We made gift boxes for her fabulous Gymnastics coaches 
& for her close friends as she is Graduating grade 8 and she is going 
to a different school than they are.

we bought them the hip trendy leather strap bracelets 
that have charms and words on them - 
dint think to take a photo of the gift !! lol 
Googled a pic for a sample
Image result for leather strap bracelet tree infinity
she picked a different one and colour for each person- 
we ordered them moths ago !
we saw these in Arizona & LA but they were a bit pricier,
gotta love that online shopping

So tonight we made the packaging 

Here is Taylor attaching trim.

Here is the mess and creation area

Here are the Coaches boxes

 we used the Sizzix Big L Candy Wrapper

Here are the ones for her friends at Grad

hope you all have a chance to be creative with someone you love!


  1. Those bracelets are gorgeous. I am sure everyone will just love them!!!
    Great candy boxes…..will you share? ;)
    I love when my girls create with me….but they don't do it as often anymore, but I love when they do….like making 1000 tiny flowers last week, lol.

    1. Have the sizzix will bring anytime we play !!
      goodness - we all know i love to use your toys!

  2. WOW! Fabulous Bracelets!! I need to look into those... they look very cool & hip.... But the packaging is even COOLER!! LOOOVE them... How fun to craft with you daughter.... I know this age group seem to always be busy... even when they're not! HA!!! I hope you get more crafting time with her... looks like you 2 work great as a team... I'm sure her friends are gonna LOVE the gifts! :) Have a great day!

    Scrappers Anonymous

  3. Wow! Those all look really great! What a wonderful gift to receive! :o)

  4. these look so fun~they will love them. Love it that you guys crafted together!

  5. What fantastic gift boxes! I think the recipients will love the boxes as much as what is inside of them!


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