Sunday, April 26, 2015

Scrap for Autism

Yesterday my Scrappy friends and I 
packed up our treasures and got together for a great reason ...
Scrap for Autism.

We had a great time as always  & I must Publicly apologize for the abuse I 
gave to Tracy & Lynne!
Throwing Caramels at friends can be dangerous - Who Knew?
well now you all do - so just don't!! ha ha ha 

Anyway, here is my gang!

I am not sure why se didnt so a more serious picture - normally we do one as well
but that just didnt happen this year !

One if the girls posted this on our facebook the day before -
it suited our day perfectly

I hope you all have some great friends like mine - 
we all need them.

have a super silly day!


  1. Looks like a great group! It sure is a good cause. Thanks for coming by my blog today, and I hope you visit more.

  2. What a great picture!!! Fun, fun, fun!!!

  3. How much fun did we have…loads of it.
    And yes, you are no longer allowed to share your caramels…you are dangerous girl, lol.


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